Despite the fact that finals are looming and outlines are...yet to be outlined, Zach and I traveled home to Western/Central New York for this Thanksgiving weekend. We left Baltimore at about 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, got to Buffalo at about 1:00 a.m., and promptly went to Mighty Taco for delightful fast food. I drove the entire way from Baltimore to Buffalo, and it was truly awful. The traffic was horrendous around York, PA and Harrisburg, and it was generally just a long, boring trip. It was all worth it, though. Zach's family was so happy to see him (and, I guess, me) and Thanksgiving was a wonderful time. We weren't done with our travels yet, so we left Friday around noon to head to Utica. Zach drove, which was wonderful. My mom, who is the best (in my humble opinion) cook in the world, actually made us our own personal Thanksgiving dinner complete with turkey, mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, squash, two kinds of pie, and other delicious fixings. Needless to say, she sent us home with lots of leftovers.
A holiday at my parent's house is not complete without Trivial Pursuit, which Zach and I played against my mom. We just barely beat her, which should tell you how good she is at it. It took two law students to juuuuust take her down. We slept there that night and left Utica for Baltimore yesterday at around 2:30 in the afternoon.
We've cleaned the entire apartment today from top to bottom, and it's glorious. There are few things better than a nice clean apartment. I'm in the process of doing our laundry and also trying to study evidence, so that's not so fun. The evidence part, I mean. I actually enjoy doing laundry quite a bit.
After this little visit, we came home to an extremely affectionate cat. He literally has not left our side since we arrived home over 24 hours ago. He also is enamoured with Zach's icy hot wrap that he has on his carpal tunnel syndrome stricken-wrist. The internet has told me that cats love menthol, which should explain why Winston was licking Zach's wrist brace an hour ago. Crazy cat.
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