Friday, April 8, 2011

law school prom is tomorrow.

First of all, I have to thank Kiah for her comment on my last crazy ass blog post. It really made me feel a lot better, and less alone. That being said, wow, that last post was crazed. I mean, I definitely had (and have) those feelings, but I probably shouldn't have unleashed them on the internet for all the world to see. Oh well, what's done is done.

This Friday night finds your blog-posting-with-semi-regularity-girl watching episodes of Intervention in bed while eating pringles and drinking diet root beer. My goodness, you say, don't you lead an exciting lifestyle! Why yes, I reply, it's truly a thrilling day in the life of yours truly. But seriously folks, I can't say I'd rather be outside when the weather is horrifying and my bed is so comfortable. Tomorrow is law school prom (Barrister's Ball) and although during the weeks leading up to it I have been excited, I've been overcome by an overwhelming feeling of apathy toward the whole charade. I am going, though, if only because I spent a fair amount of cash on the tickets, my dress, shoes, et cetera. It's open beer and wine bar, so if anything, I'll be able to drink away my ennui.

I rather like that phrase, drinking away my ennui. This will probably make me sound like an alcoholic, but I would say that drinking away ennui is probably what I do on most weekends. It's not that I don't enjoy my life, I do, but sometimes I just feel incredibly out of place and like I don't belong anywhere except alone in my apartment with Zach and Winston.

I had another interview on Thursday for a summer clerk position at a firm downtown. I think it went pretty well, so like the other one, it's now just a waiting game to see what happens. I'm not going to get my heart set on either one just in case I get rejected, which could very well happen.

I want to skate again. I figure skated competitively from when I was little until I graduated from high school, and I miss it terribly. The problem is, it is not exactly a cheap sport you can just do casually.

I'm going to end this blog post with a Henry Rollins quote:

“Life is full of choices, if you have the guts to go for it. That's why I get immediately bored with anyone's complaining about how boring their life is, or how bad their town is. Fucking leave and go somewhere else. Or don't.”

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